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Osnovna škola Jurja Šižgorića Šibenik


About our school

Autor: Ivana Rupić, 24. 12. 2019. 22:37

Juraj  Šižgorić Primary School is situated in the city of Šibenik, Croatia.

There are 374 students in 18 different classes. There are 8 classes from 1st - 4th grade (age 7-10) and 8 classes from 5th - 8th grade (age 11-14). There is also one class for Special Needs Students.

Up to now, we have participated in several eTwinning projects, one Comenius and one Erasmus+ project. We are proud to have hard-working and good quality staff who are open for any type of cooperation in new projects.

The school bears the name of Juraj Šižgorić (lat. Georgius Sisgoreus, (Šibenik, 1420- 1509).

He was a Croatian Latinist poet, the first humanist of Šibenik and the central person of Humanism circle in Šibenik. He was also one of the most significant individuals of cultural life and the history of Croatian people in the XV century.

Šibenik is a lovley town made of stone, situated on shores of the Adriatic Sea and it's the oldest autochthonous town on Adriatic.

The first mentioning of Šibenik was on Christmas 1066, in the the grant of king Petar Krešimir IV, which is why we call it ''Krešimir's town''.

St James Cathedral in Šibenik is the most important architectural achievement in 15th and 16th century in Croatia. Due to its exeptional worth, in the year 2000 it was listed on UNESCO World Heritage List.


O školi Vijest ima dokument u privitku

Autor: Administrator , 16. 2. 2012. 22:41


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Osnovna škola Jurja Šižgorića Šibenik / Stjepana Radića 44 A, HR-22000 Šibenik / /
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